Autonomous Management System Developed for Building and District Levels

AMBASSADOR team met in CEA-INES site

On the occassion of the M24 meeting, the AMBASSADOR team met at the end of November in Chambéry, France (26 – 28 November 2014).

During this three days meeting, AMBASSADOR progress in individual WPs was presented followed by technical discussions in few dedicated workshops. The participants had also the occasion to visit the CEA-INES testing site and see, where some of the project’s demonstrations will take place in following months.

As every 12 months, the General Assembly members also met together to make some important decisions on the future AMBASSADOR progress as well as upcoming meeting (Eibar in May 2015, Brussels in November 2015).

AMBASSADOR External Advisory Board members also took part in the meeting (Mr Pedersen from CENERGIA and Mr Normand from the City of Grenoble). The overall project progress was presented to them as well as the identified business cases and first results and outputs. The potential contribution of AMBASSADOR to the development of smart districts and smart cities was stressed several times.

On 28 November 2014 (the last day of the meeting), a training for energy managers organised by the AMBASSADOR team took place. The training was dedicated to topics such as overal energy context, optimization strategies for buildings and districts dimension. The practical demonstration of the District Energy Management and Information System (DEMIS), that is under development within the Framework of the project, was also performed. The feedback from the training will be also used for the preparation of the final project summer school (summer 2016). Photos from the training are available in the Gallery.