CEA – INES demonstration site
(Chambery, France)
The National Solar Energy Institute (INES) is France’s center of reference in the field of solar energy. Based at Savoie Technolac on the shores of Lake Bourget, the institute was set up with the backing of Savoie Departmental Council and Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, and includes research and development teams from the CEA, CNRS, University of Savoie and CSTB. Several types of buildings are available at the INES validation site that are going to participate in AMBASSADOR.
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Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park
(Lavrion, Greece)
The Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP) is located in Lavrion, in South-Eastern Attica, Greece, approx. 50 km from the centre of Athens. It covers about 250.000 sq.m. in which three distinct building complexes exist. About 18 buildings have been restored and are now operated with a total area of 13.000 sq.m. The total area allocated to the housing of businesses is about 10.000 sq.m. while 3.000 sq.m. house support the administrative and cultural uses of the Park.
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BedZED (Beddington Zero Energy Development) site(Wallington, UK) 
BedZED is the UK’s largest mixed used sustainable community. It was designed to create a thriving community in which ordinary people could enjoy a high quality of life, while living within their fair share of the Earth’s resources. BedZED was initiated by BioRegional and ZEDfactory, and developed by Peabody housing association. It was completed and occupied in 2002. The community comprises 50% housing for sale, 25% shared ownership and 25% social housing for rent.
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