AMBASSADOR in EeB PPP Project Review 2016
The 5th edition of the EeB PPP Project Review 2016 has been recently published and AMBASSADOR project is among the presented projects.
In the framework of the EeB PPP, a joint initiative of the European Commission and the Energy Efficient Buildings (E2B) Committee of the ECTP, one of the commitments consists in monitoring the impacts and exploitable outcomes generated by the projects. This yearly publication presents the progress of 110 co-funded projects within the EeB PPP under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 and 17 new co-funded projects under the Horizon 2020 programme for 2014.
This new edition highlights current results and achieved or potential impact of the EeB PPP projects. The projects demonstrate scientific and technological excellence, across all levels, from early stage conception to demonstration of almost ready-to-market innovations. Distributed into 7 technology-clusters defined according to the construction-related research and innovation value chain from the EeB PPP Roadmap (Design, Technology Building Blocks, Advanced materials and nanotechnology, Construction process, Energy performance monitoring & management, ICT and BIM), they illustrate the diverse innovation approaches and the importance of embracing all aspects of the building and construction sectors. You can download the Project Review 2016 here.